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  • System General (SG) 成立于 1983 年,从事设备编程和电源管理的咨询公司。1985 年,公司将业务扩展为IC烧录器设计和制造,SG 提供最高质量的产品和服务,致力于成为其专业领域的领导者,并赢得世界各地客户的良好声誉。

  • 以"创新,共创美好明天"为企业愿景,SG 专注于核心业务“编程仪器”,拥有敬业且技术精湛的研发、制造、销售、物流和技术支持团队作为后盾,与世界各地的销售机构合作。

  • 2019年重新成立香港商崇贸科技股份有限公司台湾分公司,继续提供高规格的产品与服务。

  • 2021年正式加入昂科技术集团,提供更优质的技术服务与创新理念,期许成为全球烧录服务首选合作伙伴。


System General (SG) was founded in 1983 as a consulting company specializing in Device Programming and Power Management. In 1985, the company expanded its operations to include the design and manufacturing of Device Programmers. Aiming to become the leader in its field of expertise, SG is committed to delivering products and services of the highest quality. It has earned an excellent reputation from customers all over the world.

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